Game Masters

If you're looking for someone to guide your next Campaign, here we provide GM's that we endorse.

I'm a GM with roughly 10 years of experience with an expertise in story writing. I've run hundreds of custom games that specialize in backstory incorporation and building the world along with the players.

If you have a crazy (read "broken") idea, I am an expert in balancing - rebalancing and evolving! RPGs are social foremost, and I love meeting new people and getting everyone on the same page.

I'm a little tough as a DM, but new players always appreciate the clarity and fairness I bring to the table, and old players love the surprises and respect to everyone involved.

My favorite thing is introducing new people to the hobby, and at this point I've worked out the kinks to ensure your first time is a fun time!

I'm a GM with roughly 5 years of experience with DnD and over 10 years of expertise in story writing. I've run about a dozen custom games that specialize in backstory incorporation and world-building.

No matter your game idea, I have experience balancing (and as we move forward together. RPGs, TTRPGs in particular, are at their core a place to bond and build a sense of camaraderie. Basically, we are here to meet new friends and have fun.

My goal is the ensure that happens. As a DM, my players appreciate the clarity and fairness I bring to the table. I love the look of new players and old as they delve into a world of either my or their own creation.

Panda of Pandemonium